Tropic Ocean Airways – Flights to Bimini!
Florida’s only seaplane airline, offering scheduled and charter flights to Bimini. Tropic Ocean Airways, an FAA-certified air carrier founded by…
Dock your boat in the middle of all the action at a landmark legacy in Bimini with top quality docks!
Browns Marina is the first marina as you enter Bimini Harbor. Nestled in historic Alice Town, Bimini, Bahamas, this legendary marina shares 200 feet of waterfront boardwalk with the favorite watering hole Big Johns Bar Hotel.
Close to the harbor entrance, beach, straw market, Bimini Museum, ferry and airport water taxi, golf cart rentals, customs and immigration, seaplane ramp and more. Browns Marina in Alice Town, Bimini, Bahamas is ideally located with something to offer all.
Special pricing and air transportation arrangements are available for long-term slip rentals – keep your boat at Browns Marina in Bimini and ride over on the ferry or a seaplane. You can keep an eye on your boat (and enjoy the view) through our web cam.
Save fuel, time and money and spend more time enjoying the Bahamas!
Just then, from one of the boats tied up at Brown’s dock, a rocket rose with a whoosh high into the sky and burst with a pop to light up the channel.
Islands in the Stream
Florida’s only seaplane airline, offering scheduled and charter flights to Bimini. Tropic Ocean Airways, an FAA-certified air carrier founded by…
Looking for the Resorts World SuperFast Cruise Ship to Bimini? Click here! Its official and very exciting. You can now…
This major fundraiser is held annually and features local Bahamian dishes, games and music on August 06, 2012. For more…
Had I seen our pilot’s passport photo before our flight, I may never have gotten aboard the little five-seater floatplane.…
Tired of being in Florida? Want a cool get away? You can now book a fast high-speed ferry to Bimini!…
Browns Marina, Big Game and Bimini Bay Marina unveiled the new No wake Zone sign at the Harbour entrance of…
Florida’s only seaplane airline, offering scheduled and charter flights to Bimini. Tropic Ocean Airways, an FAA-certified air carrier founded by…
Looking for the Resorts World SuperFast Cruise Ship to Bimini? Click here! Its official and very exciting. You can now…
This major fundraiser is held annually and features local Bahamian dishes, games and music on August 06, 2012. For more…
Had I seen our pilot’s passport photo before our flight, I may never have gotten aboard the little five-seater floatplane.…
Tired of being in Florida? Want a cool get away? You can now book a fast high-speed ferry to Bimini!…
Browns Marina, Big Game and Bimini Bay Marina unveiled the new No wake Zone sign at the Harbour entrance of…